Thursday, September 16, 2010

Week 3

'What is Linux?'
Out of the three systems, Linux is the system with which I am the least familiar. To be honest, I did not know anything about it before I read this article. It seems to have some positive advantages (it is free, versatile, and portable), but its greatest disadvantages are too many different distributions and it is not user-friendly.

'What is Mac OS X?' and 'Wikipedia Mac OS X'
This article, for me, did not necessarily answer the question posed in the title for a general user of Macs. I do own and use a Mac computer, but this was completely over my head! Way too much technical jargon. The Wikipedia article, on the other hand, was much easier to understand and I learned a lot about the history, compatibilities, and features of the Mac operating system.

Paul Thurott 'An Update on the Windows Roadmap'
I thought this reading was the most easy to understand and quite informative, but also possibly the most biased since it is coming straight from Microsoft. From reading this, it seems as though Microsoft aspires to provide support for out of date Windows systems, which is a positive benefit, and they respond to feedback from the consumer to improve their product.

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