Friday, October 1, 2010

Week 5

Setting the Stage (Anne J. Gilliland)
This article gave a great definition of metadata and how it is used by various disciplines. I have generated metadata myself when writing archival descriptions, but I never think to myself, oh I am generating metadata about these records! So this put it into better perspective for me, and how it is very directly related to my profession. I also like how the author addressed user-created metadata and the pros and cons associated.

An Overview of the Dublin Core Date Model (Eric J. Miller)
What I understood was that the Dublin Core Data Model is set up to establish overarching descriptors for electronic materials. This endeavor is new to me, but it seems as though it is still in the earlier stages and has some further development in progress. This should make searching for resources easier for those in academia or library and archives researchers.

Database, Wikipedia Article
I never knew that a database consists of three levels, external, conceptual, and internal. The most interesting part of this article for me was the section on security and locking. These are useful things to know, and I would assume that these could apply to other online texts as well, such as webpages or blogs?

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